Basic Trading Procedures
- Opening Accounts
- First open a trading account at any securities companies which have membership of the LSX.
- Foreigners (nonresidents) should have registered Investors Registration Certificate (IRC) from SEC.
- Placing Order
- In order to trade in LSX, both buyer and seller shall have good faith deposit in cash (100%) and in securities (100%) in their bank account and securities trading account for buying and selling securities.
- The Investors shall transfer money from their bank accounts to the aggregate account as a good faith deposit (including the total value of buying stock and related fees) which is the bank account opened by a securities company for their investors.
- Investors can use these 3 methods for placing their orders of buying and selling stocks:
- - Place orders by written application form
The investors can place order through a written application form at their own securities company. - - Place orders through telephone, E-mail, etc.
The investors can place order through telephone, email and any other similar device. - - Place orders by using Home Trading System (HTS)
The Investors can place order through Home Trading System (HTS), first investor just simply download the Home Trading System (HTS) from LSX or securities company website into their own device such as: personal computer and laptop, so investor can easily trade anywhere which suits their convenience. - Canceling Orders
- The Investors can cancel their orders for buying or selling stocks if such orders are not yet matched
- The investors can send cancelation of orders through their securities company (broker staff), by telephone, emails and Home Trading System
- Trade Executions
- LSX Trading System matches the quotations according to the execution principles
- Trading result
- The securities company shall notify the investors right away after their orders are matched via communication means as agreed.
- Remark: For more information contact your securities company.
- Settlement
- LSX perform transaction confirmation netting of settlement obligation payment amounts and deliverable securities.
- Deposit
- LSX (Lao PDR Securities Depository Center) deposit and transfer of securities traded in the LSX.